Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A psalm

Oh God of all creation
My soul sits at the bottom of despair
I can barely breathe
Though I know you are still there

See me in my pain
Come quick to my aid
Because I know you've loved me
Before earth's foundations were laid

Even in my writhing
And my sorrowful moans
I long to be beside you
And worship before your throne

God you are my God
The holy and and inscrutable king
And even when I feel I've died
Of your majesty I yearn to sing

Holy one of Israel
Whose might and power prevail
Don't ignore me in my darkness
Don't let my spirit fail

I praise you and your loving kindness
That brings me through the night
The deepest darkest shadows
My depression pierced by your light

I praise you for your mercy
That sees me flooded by tears
And lifts me free to safety
You are faithful through the years

Just and holy father
Listen to my righteous cry
Come, I beg you quickly
Let not your son's spirit die

Riding on the clouds
Your messiah will appear
And bring about your kingdom
I know now you are near

Friday, April 15, 2016


If the atonement is only one thing, it loses the power and majesty embodied by God. If God is an endless fount that you can drink of and never run dry, or an eternal treasure hunt that the excitement never dies, how can we see the embodiment and death of the Anointed One who bears the Name of the Divine as any less of a mystery. How could we nail him down (excuse the pun) to only saving by one such way?
Is God not the same inscrutable God who said "I am Who I am, I Will be that which I Will be?" Seek and you will find me! I will walk with you in the way you need. I meet you in the flesh!
I AM! I WILL BE! I am here for you!

He is victor and sacrifice
and prisoner and ransom captive freed.
He is plus
and then
not only
but look

He is I am, I will be with you!